Welcome to the My Tools for Living Store® by

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in collaboration with The Chicago Lighthouse

Celebrating Black History Month: Empowering Inclusion for People with Blindness or Low Vision

Celebrate Black History Month by honoring the achievements of the past, celebrating the progress of the present, and inspiring a brighter future. Embrace innovative adaptive technology as a symbol of inclusivity and a tool for empowerment, paving the way for a world where everyone can thrive and contribute.

Independent Living

Cartoon of individuals the size of a laptop sitting around it. One holds a pencil, the other has a lightbulb over their head, and one sits atop the laptop screen with a laptop, typing. The image is meant to represent blogging as a cartoon.

Looking to Learn More?

Read our technology blog for the latest information on accessibility features of your technology products and of advanced assistive technology products and independent living aids curated by our low vision specialists

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